Simon Cox Competition 2019 Presentations Summary
The BCITS Simon Cox Student Design Competition is our signature event and an opportunity for us to honor the life-long…
Relocating To BC: Nancy Lear, BCITS Peer, Reflects On Her 5th Anniversary
It’s farthest from the truth to say my life was unpleasant or uneventful in Newfoundland. I was surrounded…
Get TIL Technology Even With Public WiFi!
Learn how you can use WiFi extenders to get TIL Technology like smart home devices etc. in your home or business even if you only have access to public WiFi!
Thank you for the Support!
Many of you supported BCITS’s nomination for the Concord Pacific Kindness Pays Forward campaign which ran over…
BCITS needs your vote
Concord Pacific is sponsoring a community campaign called "Kindness Pays Forward". Thanks to our staff member April…
Reviewing “Take a Look at This Heart” documentary
On September 10, 2018 a new documentary called Take a Look at This Heart had its premier screening at the SVA Theatre…
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2018
On December 3rd we will observe the International Day of Disabled Persons.
This year’s theme focuses on empowering…
Shaping community services with the help of BCITS members
This summer three members of BCITS’s PROP team visited Robb, a PROP client who is living at home while on 24…
Wheelchair Dancing 101
In 2015, Vince Preap, leader and teacher at Fuse Wheelchair Dance, took part in a research study with ICORD, the…
A heartfelt thank you from the ED
On September 25 BCITS held it’s annual AGM (followed by a Social) at Granville Island's Performance Works.…