COVID-19 Protection Plan

Technology For Living COVID-19 Safety Plan
Purpose: To implement protocols to reduce the risk of the spread of the COVID-19 virus in the workplace.
Resources: WorkSafe BC, BCCDC, Canadian government

Elimination of Risk

1. Technology for Living will limit the number of people in the workplace to essential staff only.
a. Make concession for staff to work remotely
b. Stagger shifts during Monday – Friday work hours: PROP and TIL minimum of one staff member, Admin assistant, minimum 2 staff members, Administrators minimum 1. All other staff in office above this number is there for essential services.
2. Technology for Living will provide an environment that enables:
a. Physical distancing
i. Workspaces will be arranged to enable working more than 2 m (6 feet) apart.
ii. Common area such as the kitchen is limited to a maximum of 3 individuals and only when physical distancing can be maintained.
iii. Visitors will be pre-screened and screened on arrival. All visitors enter by appointment only. (See Screening script)
iv. Exchange of equipment and packages handed off at a distance.

Engineering Controls

1. Technology for Living will install physical barriers where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

Administrative Controls

Rules and Guidelines for all staff.
Objective: to eliminate risk and ensure the safety of individuals entering the Technology for Living office.
Physical distancing and appropriate hand washing/sanitizing practices are always to be observed. Refer to posters for proper instructions. An OHS committee member will monitor compliance and assist as needed.

1. Self monitoring: Continuously assess yourself for symptoms. Stay home if you develop any symptoms. Follow the guidelines laid out by the BCCDC and Public Safety Canada for self-assessment:
2. Continue to follow all safe work procedures. If it is unsafe to work, talk to your supervisor, or the health and safety committee representative.
3. The number of people in the office is limited to essential staff only.
4. Sanitation stations will be strategically placed around the office. The administrative assistant will maintain supplies and top up sanitation stations as needed (refer a need in this area to Susan).
5. Staff are responsible for cleaning and disinfecting their own workspace at the beginning and end of each workday, and as needed.
6. The Trach and Vent course is limited to a maximum of 5 students and 1 instructor in the classroom at one time.
7. All common high touch areas and items such as, but not limited to doorknobs, faucets, file drawers, light switches, kitchen utensils, copier/scanner, shared tools, tabletops, chairs, and appliances (coffee pot, tea kettle, microwave, and fridge) are to be wiped before and after each use by the staff person handling the object using the cleaning product and wipes supplied.
8. Technology for Living members coming onsite with a caregiver, will request the caregiver to remain outside the office or have access to the reception waiting area only. Members and caregivers who cannot be separated are expected to follow the rules directed by the staff person admitting them to the office. Waiting area chairs should be exchanged for plastic seats and wiped before and after each use. This is the responsibility of the staff person admitting any visitor.
9. A maximum of 3 individuals are permitted in the kitchen area at one time. Prior to entering the kitchen, a staff member must wash their hands. Follow instruction #7 for common high touch areas. Whenever possible use disposable dishes, drink cups, and utensils. Any food containers, dishes, or utensils brought from home are to be appropriately cleaned and promptly removed from the kitchen. There is to be no sharing of food. Seating has been reduced in the common lunch area to facilitate physical distancing. Fabric chairs will be removed where possible and replaced with plastic chairs. when removal is not an option the fabric will be wiped before and after each use with the supplied cleaning product.
10. While there are a minimum number of staff in the office, it will be considered safe to supply coffee, tea and milk. Sanitation of commonly handled items applies in this instance. At the point in time when everyone is brought back into the office, the policy shall be re-evaluated.
11. Deliveries and parcel pickup are to be limited to the back entrance. Signage on the front entrance will redirect delivery personnel to the back entrance.
12. Janitorial service will continue twice a week using enhanced COVID-19 cleaning practices. Concerns with compliance should be brought to the attention of the administrative staff.

Visitor Screening

1. Visitors are discouraged and admitted by appointment only.
2. Visitors arranging an appointment will be pre-screened. See screening script.
3. No more than 2 visitors shall be admitted at one time. All visitors must sign in providing name, date, and contact information.
4. On arrival visitors will be screened prior to leaving the reception area. check for risk factors associated with COVID-19, such as:
a. fever; acute respiratory illness or new/worsening cough; travel outside Canada; or direct contact with someone who has traveled or has been suspected of having COVID-19.
5. Remind all visitors to practice physical distancing, hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette
6. Disposable PPE masks will be made available to non staff who must be in the office and less than 2 meters from another individual.
7. Contracted individuals shall provide their own PPE as supplied by their employer.
8. Any indication of symptoms or if exposure to Covid is suspected, the visitor will be politely asked to leave.


1. When staff are unable to practice physical distance of 2 metres, everyone is required to wear PPE, for office staff this will be a re-usable mask. Reusable masks have been supplies by Technology for Living. If additional reusable masks are needed please speak to your manager or an OHS representative.
2. Wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as required and follow routine precautions. Use correct donning and doffing procedure. Do not touch your face. (see donning/doffing poster)
3. Any staff in the area of those who are working less than 2 m apart, should continue to keep their distance and practice physical distancing.
4. In the rare instance where an individual cannot wear a face mask remind the individual of respiratory etiquette (coughing and sneezing into the elbow, perform hand hygiene, and avoid touching the face, mouth, nose, eyes and, if applicable, mask).
For further information on COVID-19, refer to the Public Health Agency of Canada

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