Equipment Returns

Thank you for returning your unused/damaged equipment to us! By doing so, we can now repair it and get it ready to be used again. Here’s the address you’ll be shipping to:

Technology for Living
Unit 103 – 366 East Kent Avenue South,
Vancouver, BC, V5X 4N6
TIL (604)326-0175 PROP 1(866)326-1245

If you received replacement equipment

    • Use the box that your equipment arrived in to box your equipment for return
    • Complete the provided Loomis waybill
    • Attach waybill and provided Technology for Living address labels to the box

If you did not receive replacement equipment

    • Place equipment in a box
    • Write Technology for Living address (above) on each box

If you have more than one box, please mark the boxes with sequential numbers (ie: 1/3, 2/3, 3/3)

Call Loomis at 1-855-256-6647 to schedule the pickup. Press 1 for English, then 2 to speak with an agent. Be sure to request Overnight Delivery

Account#: F57475
Account Name: Technology for Living

Call us to let us know you have shipped the equipment, so we know when to expect it.

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